About Us

COLLoW 源自於一個空間設計公司,將多年來營造空間氛圍的經驗與嗅覺調和,致力於創造能激發靈感並推進思想的生活品牌。


並希望擁有 COLLoW 能代表他的獨立思想、不盲從,而這也品牌的真正精神-低調與雅致的生活方式。


COLLoW derived from a spatial design brand, believes in a balanced life. We are committed to create and inspire a simple yet mindful lifestyle.

From years of constructing atmospheric experiences through scent and our senses, came the birth of our products. An abstract art form that heightens the warmth of an environment.

We believe, with scent, we can create a silent expression of self identity.